Friday, August 21, 2009

A short conversation

He asked me, "Are you still using Nokia? I always thought Blackberry was more like your style."

I said, " Yes, the same old one. I didn't change. We define things. We don't need things to define us. I do not care which brand I am using, I care who is still on my contact list. And I don't have style, I only see the function. If I am not doing any business, what could I do with all the extra functions?"

He was surprised, "You see the real emptiness now. It is usually easy for people to go from 0 to 100, but hard for them to go from 100 back to 0."

I replied, "No, I am just more simple and purer than before. And I want to use my limited energy on things which I really care."

"I am still who I am."
"How do you know that you are still the same person?"
"I have behaved like what I have said."

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