Friday, August 5, 2011

body and mind, who's more honest?

remember when i was still in the coldest country living alone, i used to play some stupid and bloody&violent online flash games until i hurt my wrist while im under stress.
until recently, im using my left hand more and more, i feel more ease. also due to the fact that im realizing and accepting the way how i am, and how crazy i can be from time to time, body is revealing more info that i could ever imagine.

i used to think that body is something limiting our brain & mind. Now i think, and im more sure that mind is the only thing which is limiting our body.

if my mind tells a lie, my body tells the truth.

thats why we get hurt, get insomnia, get exhausted, get allergic, get a lot of odd symptoms that we cannot explain when we are under stress or anxiety.

if we are not honest, our body fight back with this extremely passive aggressive way.

im still afraid. but it is ok.
let it come, and allow it to leave.
give it more space to breathe. :)

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