Saturday, September 5, 2009


Haven't used my dialect to talk with people for quite a few years, until recently I was reading one book from my favorite writer. She mentioned one saying that we used to separate different cousins because she was originally from my home town as well before she moved to Hongkong.
I suddenly remember my little cousin call my older cousin "big sister", I was ranked the second old kids among us, then i was called " small sister". Of course it sounds different to say it in my dialect.
Usually, dialects from the southeast sound soft and sweet. It adopted a lot of English words with the local pronunciation as well as its own distinct features. Southern girls are always considered to be as tender as water. Like the weather down there in the semi-tropical area, humid and warm.

If you hear people calling you with the dialect, the soft and mucous feeling would enwind your ear and head. The softest part of your heart is incidentally touched.

I laughed out loud when i read the small sentence.

Ah, I miss home. I think.

No matter how, it is still different with the slightest connection of the same blood.

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