Thursday, February 25, 2010


He said, I miss you so much that's why I ate so much Chinese food.
I said, I miss you so much that's why I ate so much Greek feta cheese.


I always wished to have half of his energy and optimism.

I finally told her that I couldn't attend.
They are gonna have 50 tables at least from her parents' side, not including her husband's side, which I guess in all there will be 80 or 100 tables? Or more?

I wonder how much they are going to spend for the whole weddings.
Imagine 10 people per table, it will be 1000 people involved at least. let's say 150 euros (average) per table, 15,000 euros for the food only (minimum).

Plus the wedding dress, cars, place renting, ceremony and everything...Chinese people are crazy while doing weddings, arent we?
No wonder everyone is under this pressure these days which can be shown everywhere in the newspaper, TV, magazine or Internet.

I was again slightly shocked.

But money, can be used in a better way.
I dare not to say this to her. After all, it is her life.

My life, is anyways different.


We get what we want,right?
What will I get in the end?

Standing in the snow, alone? ;)

In the end we had a long conversation.
She said that I have been too tough that no one can actually come inside of me.
I said, no, it is not true.

I told her that maybe I wasn't good enough.
She said, no, you are very good already. I told everyone around me that I was so proud of you.

I suddenly remembered, J used to always say, I'm so proud of you. I talked to him a little the other night. He is now very professional and more convincing.
But I found myself tired of arguing about anything, like we always used to do and had a great fun.
He said, I had the impression that you have been unhappy.
I said, no it is not true. I am happier.

I am the source of my everything.
Is that again a too independent thought?

There's nothing wrong with being independent.
It's just.. tougher.
And we just choose different approaches.

I suddenly remembered one word I saw 7 years ago when I was in a temple.
"Shu Tu Tong Gui(殊途同归)" which means we human beings reach the same end using different approaches.

If we can not have fun on the way going there, then what's the point?

Let's have fun.

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