Thursday, July 16, 2009

Move on

When the black hole in my mind sucked me in, I chose to drink and sleep over it.

Then I went asking for help.

P was really good.
That's why I need my friends.
They are always around.
And they blame me if I didn't ask for help from them when I needed.

I suddenly burst into tears in front of her while laughing badly.

Now I have a plan. And I need to change.

It is scary. It is always scary and hurting.
But I have hopes, I have hopes and love. A lot of love from friends that I love and people I care, a lot of courage from them.

I fall, i get up and keep walking. Walk tall.

We live in such a imperfect world. And we are all imperfect people.

Never give up, never surrender, never compromise.

If fall, fall in a better way next time or stand up quicker.

Never stop walking forward.

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