Monday, August 17, 2009


The process of decision making is always long and hard.

However, we all actually secretly knew what we would choose long time ago.
It just takes time for us to realize it and admit it.
And of course it hurts.

No matter based on what kind of excuses or reasons, it doesn't matter after all.
When the decision is made, it is made.

And I am a person who doesn't take time to think of a proper excuse.
I see, the result.

If I am a crazy dancer, then I am spending my life-time looking for my partner.
Or a strong man with the strong mind and warm hands, waiting for me to hold his hands when I am tired of dancing.

I have this craziness deeply in my blood. Dark and powerful. Sometimes harmful.

Every girl is a datura. Fragrant but poisonous.
As long as they don't love anyone.
They are all poisonous.

I think I am poisonous.

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