Monday, August 31, 2009

Where did the love go?

Just said that I would close this place, I thought I would change my mind sooner or later.

I am a Scorpio. I am changing my mind every second.

I was looking for a document and happened to open one file in my disk, which is my diary 2007-2008.

I read all those words full of love and warmth one year ago. I started to feel that there was water in my eyes.
I couldn't help but wonder:

Where did the love go?
Where did we go?
How come everything disappeared so fast and easily?

When you said you loved me, how real was it?

And more importantly, where did the love go?
I don't know.

There was one ancient Chinese Poem said:
"Liu Guang Rong Yi Ba Ren Pao, Hong Le Ying Tao, Lv Le Ba Jiao."
"Liu Guang" refers to the fast flowing time, "Rong yi ba ren pao" means easily threw people away. The whole sentence can be understood as people are left behind by the fast flowing time. "Hong" originally is an adjective, here it is used as a verb, referring to make something red. "Lv" is used the same way, means making something green. "Ying Tao" is cherry, "Ba Jiao" is Basjoo, one kind of banana tree with huge green leaves in Asia. So the whole sentence means " it (time) makes the cherry red, makes the Basjoo green.

Time runs too fast.
How sad it is when we suddenly wake up and there's actually nothing around us except for the endless emptiness.

What do we remember?

If I didn't writing it down, will you still remember the sentence u said by my ear which made me cry in the middle of the night?
And who is staying awake to recall it?

Sometimes I think I have lived in a wrong time. Will it be easier to live 1000 years ago?



蒋 捷 (1274)



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